Archives for posts with tag: CrossFit Mt Lebanon

photo-16     It is a long time since I wrote a blog; not because I got lazy but because I was finding the news so depressing and ‘good news’ news stories seemed to be harder and harder to come by. And the blog was never supposed to be a diary of my life. Hence the break. However, I had a revelation today so this is going to be about me. Sorry. You don’t have to read any further if you don’t wish; I totally understand. For those who wish to continue, please read on.

As one or two of you maybe aware, I took up CrossFit, just over a year ago and despite absolutely loathing the coaches, and myself, at times as I struggled through workouts, I have enjoyed every minute. And no, that’s not a contradiction. It is possible to experience both emotions about the same events/moments.

So, my revelation tonight came as I was walking upside down backwards up the wall for the 10th and final time in the WOD. I walked all the way in, totally confident in my ability to get my belly and chest to touch the wall before descending again.

I have had a good week all round and especially in my progress in my strength training this week. For only the second time ever, I managed to front squat 130lb three times, I rowed my fastest ever 2km, and I hit new PRs for my sumo deadlift and push press. Today, my hope was to be able to conquer the 95lb clean cluster – two slightly different lifts at 95lb. I have, in the past, managed the first half of the cluster, but always failed on the second. And recently, I haven’t even been able to get the first half. So I was full of hope … until I lifted the bar for the first time and …. failed. Oh bugger. And no matter how hard I tried and how patient Anna was in coaching me, I just couldn’t get it. I felt soooo deflated, such a failure. I know I am strong enough to lift this weight but …..

So there I was, this evening, walking backwards on my hands with my feet in the air and it suddenly struck me – what a bozo I am! Just a mere 5 or 6 months ago, I dreaded seeing ‘wall walks’ in the workout. I struggled to get to a 45 degree angle never mind getting my belly to touch the wall. And now hardly thinking about the movement at all, I was just focused on getting finished as quickly as possible.

So even though I still can’t get that darn bar up with 95lb on it, I can do a whole lot of other movements I couldn’t do this time last year. There is progress, I am stronger, I am more confident, I love rope climbs and I am beginning to not dread double unders, I get to workout with my best friend, Paul, and I have met and get to mingle with a great community.

I guess if there is a moral to this tale it would be, even if you think things are going badly and really ‘suck’, take a moment to reflect. You might surprise yourself and find that there really have been improvements and that you just have to shift your focus a little to the side to see around the bad stuff.

If you made it to this point, thanks for reading.

Have a great weekend.

Never doubt yourself.

… watching the world go by. Even in Sandusky Bay it can be quite beautiful; you are able to forget, well not forget necessarily, but at least for a little while push to the back of your mind all the nasty things that are going on in the world.

IMG_2911  IMG_2912  IMG_2913 Anchored off between Johnson Island and Sandy Point., Nature’s colours are amazing. In the background, we can hear the roar of the roller coasters from Cedar Point. And have just seen a most bizarre sight – black clouds of flies rising off the trees. I hope they are not coming our way.

(This was last night. It has taken me all this time to get a f*cking signal strong enough to load and send this. So much for leaving the cares of the world behind.)

Have a wonderful weekend. Be nice to someone. Good luck to everyone competing and to those taking part in the Relay for Life in Mt Lebanon.


Never doubt yourself

Image Not the most flattering photo of me in recent years but definitely the most emotional. I got to spend the weekend with all of my family. David and Bekah drove up from Virginia Beach last night to spend quality time with Paul and me and to watch Anna today as she competed in the final 2 WODs of the CrossFit Regionals trying to secure a spot in the 2014 CrossFit Games at the end of July.

Image After yesterday, day 2 of Regionals, Anna was lying in 5th overall and 7 points out of 3rd. Looked like a tall order but nobody gave up hope. However, I was so emotionally drained at the end of yesterday, I literally fell into bed and passed out.

This morning I managed a short traveling WOD I made up just to try to settle my nervous tension (it didn’t work). And then we headed to the Patriot Centre where Jordan, Eric and Rob, who I think camped out at the Centre last night, managed to save 2 full rows of seats. Not sure how they did it but we were very grateful for their tenacity because the seats were just perfect.

I won’t go into details of the workouts, Anna will do that tomorrow. But suffice to say, she went out there with grit and determination and was obviously on a mission. She was going to do all within her power to improve her score and just hope that others would do their bit to make it happen. She blasted the field on event 6. OMG. She drove it into the ground. And then event 7, she didn’t panic, kept her cool and nailed it too. She owes me another trip to the hair stylist to cover up my latest shock of grey hairs.

It was a fantastic weekend all round, made even sweeter because David and Bekah came up and we were able to celebrate his last weekend’s attempt at the 100 mile race. And Paul, forever my rock. Thank you Paul. Love you.



Potentially going to do something really relaxing tomorrow, like stand-up paddle boarding.

Never doubt yourself


Image Made our way to Fairfax VA today via Anvill and Hershey PA. Dropped Paul at his site and then I made my way into Hershey to pick up the trail and go for a bike ride. Thing was, I couldn’t find the trail. So I biked for an hour and made it back to the car. Decided to see if there was a Starbucks anywhere close and there was and the the GPS said go right then left then right and right. Went right and left but then there was no next right. Hmmm. Rode the road again but still no right. Didn’t want to go on the narrow busy road but I really wanted a coffee. I could see where I wanted to be out the back of some houses so I went up what looked like a dead end old road though it may have been someone’s driveway, climbed a ‘hill’, road through a parking lot of a medical centre and found the outlet mall where the coffee shop was located. Phew. I think that when they built the medical centre and shopping centre, the powers that be took out the roads and forgot to tell Apple.

Anyway, all’s well that ends well. Revived, I made my way back to the car by the same route, went to collect Paul and then we hit the DC traffic. By the time we arrived at the hotel, Paul’s knuckles were white. I was very quiet.

And now I am nervous and excited. We are here to watch Anna in the Regionals competition (semi finals) for the 2014 Reebok CrossFit Games. Different region this year; different competition. But she is ready. Ready to: do her best, give it her all and leave it all on the floor. Wishing her the best of luck. She is my other Awesome.



Paul is awesome too. That goes without saying though I just did.

If you can’t make it to Fairfax VA but would like to watch online some of the competition, here is the link to the schedule and from there you will be able to find the coverage:

Safe travels to those who are coming down tomorrow.


Never doubt yourself

Yesterday, coming into harbor after a beautiful weekend, as always it was tough to get my head around the 3 hour drive home awaiting us once we tied up and put the boat to bed. On the rare occasions when we are able to stay over Sunday night, this ride back to the marina is much more relaxing. However, I count my blessings that we have these opportunities. Image

Went for a short bike ride today after WOD’ding and it felt really good. However, I did work up quite an appetite that would only be satisfied by baking and eating cookies. So I did. In light of this, I submit this next photo.


And still on the food theme, I think the following idea is odd. “Are ‘female friendly’ restaurants sexist?” I don’t eat out often and obviously not in the circles at which these restaurants are targeted but I do have to say, wherever I eat and am paying for it, I expect damn good service and I expect to be made to feel welcomed and comfortable. If I am not, then I tell them so and it is reflected in the tip.

Am getting nervous and excited for David, my son, who, this coming weekend, will be competing in and running his first ever 100 mile race. I thinks that is why I had to bake cookies. It’s what I do when I get nervous. Well, one of the things.

I hope you had a funday Monday. Have a chewsday Tuesday; treat yourself to something you really like to eat but from which you have refrained for a while. Like cookies.


Never doubt yourself



Top left: my t-shirt announcing the fact that I made it into the top 200 in the world in the Opens’ round of the CrossFit Games. (However, I think it was rather more by good luck than good judgement; some of the WODS in the Opens played to my ‘strengths’.)

Top right: I am a member of a fantastic box, CrossFit Mt Lebanon, with super supportive members. Steve and Jen brought their two children along this morning to cheer me on. I felt really bad because Henry and Stella would much rather have been out hunting for Easter eggs, or even better, eating them. But Henry sat and watched and cheered as well as Steve and Jen. Stella watched too but is very shy; I think she cheered in her head. The WOD today was 75 pull ups + 100 wall balls. Just a couple of weeks ago, I was able to sort of consistently get pull ups one at a time so I was fairly confident I would be able to finish today but I just didn’t know how long it would take.

Bottom left: Eventually….. I finished and was cheered on by additional members, who stayed after they had finished their numerous WODs today, lending their support through my last few pull ups and wall balls, Andrea, Rob and Adrian. When I say it took a long time, I mean a really long time. I did 75 legit reps pull ups and probably at least an additional 75 no reps. And then the 100 wall balls. My total time was 64:58, 59 of those minutes was pull ups. The wall balls took just under 6 minutes. I love wall balls now.

Bottom right: Me being squeezed by Anna’s NormaTec recovery ‘arms’. I think it helped. Still need a while longer for my aged muscles to recover though.

Huge, huge thank you again to Paul for his patience, to Anna for coaching, judging and generally keeping my head in the right place to get me through it and to Steve, Jen, Henry, Stella, Andrea, Rob, Adrian and Coach Brad who, just by his presence, motivated me to keep going.

I hope everyone else had a great day today. Diet begins again tomorrow.


Never doubt yourself



Firstly, I have to say a huge thank you to Paul, Brad, Anna, Steve, Jen, everyone else who came to the box to support me today and all of you who have sent me messages of support. You have no idea how much this means to me and how much it encouraged me to try even harder. Paul, for waiting and running around for me and picking up after me. Brad, for his patience as he encouraged me and guided me through my lifts and attempts at handstand push ups (HSPU).

Image(Practicing my clean)

I attempted two WODs today – Masters Regional 14.1 and 14.3. 14.1 was fairly straight forward – a 1-rep max clean (from the ground to shoulders). 14.3 was rather more complex – 3 rounds of 40cal row, 15 handstand push ups (2″ riser for my age group), 40 double unders.

Image (my 105lb 1-rep max)

My max for any sort of clean was achieved last week at 90lb so I wasn’t sure how much more I would lift today. I had to keep telling myself that this is all a learning experience, to really test my limits and it did. I managed a PR of 15lb to a final lift of 105lb. I was rather pumped about that. Plenty of work still to do, particularly on my technique but that’s OK.

We went back to the box this afternoon and I tried and tried with Brad coaching me through each practice attempt at the HSPU. Story behind these; as of a week and a half ago, the most I could do was one or two with 3 ab mats under my head. Last week, convinced that HSPU would be in this set of WODs I practiced and practiced like mad. I also went through all past CrossFit Games Masters’ WODs and the standards for my age group was with 4″ riser i.e., 4″ (2 ab mats) of padding between my head and the floor. And I was so excited on Tuesday that I had got them, albeit in ones and twos but I would be able to do the movement in a WOD if called for. However, the 2″ riser (one ab mat) I just couldn’t get it. My shoulders and arms just couldn’t get me up that extra 2″. Eventually, Brad and I decided that I should just start the row and then give it my all at a few attempts at the HSPU. You never know until you try. I tried and now I know. Today was not the day I was going to do a HSPU with only one mat. But that’s OK too. I had pushed to my limit and left it on the floor.

So thank you again to everyone. The energy was so positive.

Whatever you are doing tomorrow, have a great day. If you are traveling, be safe. If you are WODding, WOD hard. And if you are cheering on your children, you’re the best!


Never doubt yourself


Image It will get better.

Also, Question: I have to replace my sunglasses, the ones I have had for over 14  years and which were perfect for running. I lost them when I fell overboard when in Muscat. They were Addidas with adjustable nose piece and arms, so could be ‘shaped’ to fit individual heads and never slipped when I got all hot and sweaty. I am tempted to get the same again, but I thought I would ask for your favorites. If you would like to share. Thanks.


Never doubt yourself

“A certain percentage of CrossFitters will surely experience some kind of blues in the next couple of weeks. They may question why they ever cared about the Open in the first place, and they may struggle to find a reason to continue training at the level to which they are accustomed.”


This doesn’t only hold true for CrossFit. I have suffered from after-event depression. Paul, Anna and David will vouch for this. I become a real ‘bear with a sore arse’ never mind monkey butt. From my point of view, I think it is that I have worked so hard towards my goal, followed a routine, been fairly strict about my diet, disciplined myself to go out even when the weather was at its least inviting. And then it’s over. Gone. And that feeling of “now what do I do” is overwhelming.

The article that I have linked above has some pretty good ideas of how to overcome this ‘blue cloud’ feeling. In the past, I have always tried to have a smaller event scheduled 3-4 weeks after my big event so I still had a reason to run and that time period of still training but not quite so intensely allowed me to begin planning my next big event.

However, after last  year’s 2 half ironmans, I decided I needed a complete change (which is one of the suggestions in the article) and I took up CrossFit. So different and such a novice, it was a whole new challenge. One which I have embraced quite well, I think.

A couple of other ways I use which were also suggested (I should have written the damned article) are:

1. eat cake Image Actually, not sure if this one was suggested.


2. have a support system of friends and family ImageImage


Friday tomorrow. Time to chill.


Never doubt yourself

Image How many times have I thought of doing something similar? I actually get quite excited when I do remember my passwords. It’s the little things – the icing on the cake.

So the Opens are officially over. The judges have until 8pm EDT Wednesday, tomorrow, to verify the scores, but these were mine at the end of today. I don’t expect them to change much, if at all. I might drop a few more places but should still be in the top 200 on the world roster.




Firstly, I would like to say thank you to everyone at CrossFit Mt Lebanon for a fantastic 5 weeks – the 5 weeks of the Opens. My first Opens. It was all that I imagined and then some. Competing alongside, judging, cheering on and receiving support from my fellow athletes was just incredible. And thanks also to the coaches for strategizing for me and offering tips to enable me to be more efficient.

We were encouraged to sign up and complete the WODs to use as a benchmark for next year’s progress. I have a very long list of movements and skills on which I have to improve; well actually learn first. But it’s all good.

I have to say, I was totally surprised by my results and will also be the first to admit, I have a long way to go to be able to make it into the higher echelons of my age group. Because I have scored in the top 200, I am invited to take part in the next round – 4 WODS over 4 days (Easter weekend). The scores will be calculated using my score from the Opens plus my scores from the extra 4 WODs. (I think it must be positions.) Mathematically there is no way I will qualify for the Games but it will give me a target for next year. And I will definitely be able to add to my to-learn-how-to-do list. I see hand stand push ups in there somewhere and I know I can’t do them. However, I do have 16 days to practice. Haha.

Ok, I think this is a little tasteless. NBC is promoting the hatching of 3 bald eagles and next to the report is an advert for something to erase wrinkles; it looks remarkably like broken eggs.

ImageAnd I took exception to the closing of this report on the NBC nightly news between 6:30-7:00pm. The commentator said, “… and if they [the eagles and babies] can survive in Pittsburgh, well, you know the rest.”

I am a transplant into Pittsburgh and I quite like it here. So pooh to the reporter.

Hope nobody got too fooled today. (That’s a lot of ooooo’s.)


Never doubt yourself