
Top left: my t-shirt announcing the fact that I made it into the top 200 in the world in the Opens’ round of the CrossFit Games. (However, I think it was rather more by good luck than good judgement; some of the WODS in the Opens played to my ‘strengths’.)

Top right: I am a member of a fantastic box, CrossFit Mt Lebanon, with super supportive members. Steve and Jen brought their two children along this morning to cheer me on. I felt really bad because Henry and Stella would much rather have been out hunting for Easter eggs, or even better, eating them. But Henry sat and watched and cheered as well as Steve and Jen. Stella watched too but is very shy; I think she cheered in her head. The WOD today was 75 pull ups + 100 wall balls. Just a couple of weeks ago, I was able to sort of consistently get pull ups one at a time so I was fairly confident I would be able to finish today but I just didn’t know how long it would take.

Bottom left: Eventually….. I finished and was cheered on by additional members, who stayed after they had finished their numerous WODs today, lending their support through my last few pull ups and wall balls, Andrea, Rob and Adrian. When I say it took a long time, I mean a really long time. I did 75 legit reps pull ups and probably at least an additional 75 no reps. And then the 100 wall balls. My total time was 64:58, 59 of those minutes was pull ups. The wall balls took just under 6 minutes. I love wall balls now.

Bottom right: Me being squeezed by Anna’s NormaTec recovery ‘arms’. I think it helped. Still need a while longer for my aged muscles to recover though.

Huge, huge thank you again to Paul for his patience, to Anna for coaching, judging and generally keeping my head in the right place to get me through it and to Steve, Jen, Henry, Stella, Andrea, Rob, Adrian and Coach Brad who, just by his presence, motivated me to keep going.

I hope everyone else had a great day today. Diet begins again tomorrow.


Never doubt yourself