
I was going to start with a temperature picture, but decided this was much more interesting and memorable. So proud of Anna for all she has achieved and am excited to watch her as she continues to grow. Today, she made a huge commitment to herself and Pittsburgh as she signed on the dotted line to buy her first house and home. Wishing her every happiness and success with whichever paths she chooses.

And the weather. Well, everyone is suffering so I won’t bother laboring the point, except to say it is bloody cold. And windy. I am extremely grateful that I have a warm home in which to snuggle.

Snuggling – a little difficult at the moment. Nothing is working. The WOD this evening (yes, we joined the 4:30pm group and there was a lot of weight being thrown around) was brutal. Well they all are, but I went up a weight in kettle bell and am now suffering. Mary, if you are reading this, might be in touch.

Had a bad morning. Wasn’t feeling very positive with myself; didn’t listen to my “never doubt yourself”. However, did PR on a lift this evening so am feeling a little happier. I have a very supportive group around me, so thank you.

Be safe. Keep warm. And if your children have another day off school, make the most of it. That ‘together time’ doesn’t last very long.


Never doubt yourself.