
Got your attention? I know, they are really called “monkeys’ fists”. I am rather proud of my handiwork today. This is the quick release shackle for the lifting strop for getting the dinghy off and back on to the boat. And up until about 10:30 this morning there was no string to pull which made it rather difficult to pull and open the shackle, which, if you know my husband always elicited worse expressions than “Balls!” I hope he appreciates my efforts.

ImageIt’s usually about a week out that I start looking at the forecast if I am doing an endurance event, which I just happen to be doing next weekend in Raleigh, NC. And this is the forecast for Sunday, as of today. David said, “Ugh!” but I rather like it. 88F is a little high I must admit but hopefully we will be finished by the time it gets to that temperature. Humidity should be fairly low too though as, at the moment, it is showing no precipitation. Hopefully it won’t vary too much between now and then. The water in the lake where we will swim is still only 72F; 76.1F is the cut off point for wetsuits. I’m trying not to think about swimming without my wetsuit.





And lastly but never least, the view looking eastwards on to Lake Erie from Middle Bass Island marina. And the Stars and Stripes as a gentle reminder why we get a 3-day weekend. Remember, give thanks, hug someone. And smile tomorrow.         Joanna