IMG_1609Today we made it home (for the boat). After another early start, left the dock at 06:25, watched the sunrise over the Detroit River Channel and then chugged our way across Lake Erie. The reason we left so early again was to try to beat the forecasted storms and high winds. Even at 09:00am the winds were blowing 12-16mph  (7-8mph more than was forecasted). We had a rather wet ride across the lake. Not because it rained, but because the trajectory of the waves was such that when they hit the boat, spray went everywhere.IMG_1594

This last week has rather been a hurry up and wait event; again because of the wind direction and strength. We ended up having to take advantage of the days when the wind was favorable to take big chunks of mileage out of our trip home. So we have had 10hr, 8hr and 6hr days. The dogs have been real troopers. I just wish I had the same bladder control as they do. (Maybe I wouldn’t pee when I jump rope if I had their bladder strength.)

They are funny though. As soon as I go down to the deck and pick up a rope, they are there on the foredeck with their heads stuck through the rail trying to decide which side we will be tying up, ready to make a quick break for it to the nearest grassy plot.

I forgot to included these next two photos last time.

IMG_1459We were motoring through the islands in the North Channel and came across a lady (in a boat) towing 3 Optimist dinghies, spars, kids, sails and all stowed in the dinghies. In this area, there are no roads; it is all rocky islands so I am not sure to where they were going. But they looked as though they were having fun.

IMG_1446This next picture is really quite bizarre. Three guys on a raft holding a boat supported on stands. I think the distribution of weight on the raft was pretty critical. One backward step and the engine would be underwater.

The majority of the harbors we visited were OK with the dogs. The staff and other boaters were very tolerant and patient especially since Ebba figured out that she could jump off the boat and not be followed by Bella. Bella usually ratted her out though by barking from the foredeck.

IMG_1477At DeTour Village Marina, to walk the dogs, I took them around the other side of the harbour and walked out on the break wall. The dogs had a good time climbing over the rocks and swimming after the ducks.

IMG_1478Whilst they were doing that, I was studying the flora. Peas. Or maybe beans. I haven’t seen peas/beans growing in a ‘hedgerow’ for years. Actually not since we left the UK. And here they were, growing so thickly they were forming a hedge. And the pods were forming too. If we went back in probably 3 weeks, the pods would be ready for plucking.IMG_1469

IMG_1550During our trip we did turn the odometer over at 10,000nm since we have had the boat.

IMG_1554The dogs were duly impressed.

IMG_1611Back in the marina, we were moving stuff to clean and this jumped out. Well not exactly jumped but it did make me jump. And scream a little.  Not sure when it climbed aboard but it has now moved house.

IMG_1612To finish off, it was a beautiful sunset.

Three weeks; 1045 statute miles; 20 different harbors /marinas /anchorages; way too many pounds of fudge; only one dinner of fish and chips; one portion of sweet potato fries (specially sent out for and cooked by the chef at Grosse Isle YC); lost count of the miles I walked with the dogs; lots of swims in water so cold I wouldn’t normally have immersed more than my big toe but the dogs insisted; and finally, countless laughs and frustrations from boating with dogs.

Thanks for reading.


San Graal
